ASPM Efficiency: AAC Distribution Report

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The AAC (Airport Adjusted Capacity) Distribution Report of ASPM Efficiency provides information on the rules governing determination of the Adjusted Departure Capacity, Adjusted Arrival Capacity, and Airport Adjusted Capacity by hour for each airport by hour. The rules take into account situations in which either or both the actual arrivals and departures exceed the AAR and ADR in determining the Airport Adjusted Capacity.

More information at Airport Adjusted Capacity (AAC).

For information about how to create an AAC Distribution Report, see the ASPM Airport Efficiency Manual.

Field definitions are available in ASPM Efficiency: Definitions of Variables.


The AAC Distribution Report contains the following variables:

  • Total Hours
  • Rule 1 Hours
  • Rule 2 Hours
  • Rule 3 Hours
  • Rule 4 Hours
  • Rule 5 Hours
  • % Hours Rule 1
  • % Hours Rule 2
  • % Hours Rule 3
  • % Hours Rule 4
  • % Hours Rule 5

The following table of rules apply for calculating the Adjusted Arrival Rate, Adjusted Departure Rate, and Adjusted Airport Capacity for individual hours by day by airport. When the report summarized across hours and/or facilities, the average hourly adjusted rates are displayed.

Rule Definition
Rule 1 If both actual departures and actual arrivals are equal to or less than the Called Rates, then the Called Rate is used for the Adjusted Departure Rate and Adjusted Arrival Rate, and Adjusted Airport Capacity = AAR+ADR
Rule 2 If both actual departures and actual arrivals are greater than the Called Rates, then the actual values are used for the Adjusted Departure Rate and the Adjusted Arrival rate, and Adjusted Airport Capacity = Sum of Actual Departures and Actual Arrivals
If one Actual is below the Called Rate and the other Actual is above the Called Rate then:
Rule 3 If Sum of actual departures and arrivals equals the sum of the Called Rates, the actual values are used for the Adjusted Departure Rate and the Adjusted Arrival rate, and The Adjusted Airport Capacity = Sum of Actual Departures and Actual Arrivals
Rule 4 If the Sum of Actual Departures and Arrivals > than Sum of Called Rates, the actual values are used for the Adjusted Departure Rate and the Adjusted Arrival rate, and The Adjusted Airport Capacity = Sum of Actual Departures and Actual Arrivals
Rule 5 If Sum of Actual Departures and Arrivals < than Sum of Called Rates, then the actual value that exceeded the Called Cate is used as one Adjusted Rate, and the other Adjusted Rate is calculated as the Sum of the AAR and ADR minus the Actual count that exceeded the Called Rate, and the Adjusted Airport Capacity = AAR+ADR.

For information about other available reports in the Efficiency module, see the Display section.